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Top 6 cycling and running spots in Singapore tracked on the D3VR app


The pandemic has changed the mass participation event. As most mass gatherings in significant numbers are currently prohibited, we have been looking for ways to stay active while remaining safe and one of them is through virtual racing. Although it is far from a new thing, virtual racing has only emerged as a great alternative recently for those with itchy feet to get going in times like these. As demands soared, we launched our own app designed for the virtual experience.

Ever since the lockdown, we have been hard at work transitioning our physical race timing business to a virtual race platform. Seeing how physical races are now no longer a viable option, we have a fully online turnkey platform to facilitate the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, such as having a virtual cross country or 2.4km Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT), or tracking of any other distance.

Of course, all of these virtual races were made possible thanks to our app that offers authorised tracking access that utilises GPS on smartphones as a means to track users’ movement and location. With that being said, we have gathered the necessary data from our recent SG Shakedown Series to reveal the six most popular running and cycling routes in the Lion City.

Top 6 running and cycling routes tracked by our D3VR app

1. Marina Bay Waterfront

Widely recognisable for its architecture triumph and skyline, Marina Bay makes a great spot for sightseeing alone. However, the area is not a stranger to runners as the pedestrian footpaths are properly built and maintained. Combined with easily accessible nearby dining spots, it is certain that this iconic location will continue to be an attractive factor for those with itchy feet.

2. East Coast Park

A great spot for a getaway from the city life, East Coast Park has long attracted runners with its near 10km flat path, one that is filled with lush greenery and clear views of the sea. With its accessible location and on-the-go foods and drinks services, the park offers diverse outdoor activities that are suitable for everybody.

3. The neighbourhoods of Singapore

As our virtual event promises a race that prioritises flexibility, convenience, and health above all, it is unsurprising to see more taking up the habit of running. Our participants no longer need to meet at a fixed time or place as they can now run at their own pace and zone, whenever and wherever they prefer. This demonstrates that turning the everyday road into a race track could easily be done for starters and veterans alike.

4. Changi Coast Road

Located near Changi airport, this route widely appeals to many with its broad and often unused roads day and night. Giving cyclists a front-row seat for views of planes departing and arriving in Singapore, along with the sea and its breeze near the coast, Changi Coast Road unsurprisingly lands at the top of our list for cyclists’ hotspot.

5. Tuas Lamp Post 1

This very lamp post in Tuas South Boulevard has its own deserving fame as it has become a pitstop for cyclists who dare venture far west out the country. Recognisable for its stickers plastered appearance, the Tuas Lamp Post 1 has become more inviting to sticker pasting among cyclists since the circuit breaker.

6. Kranji suburb

Known for its idyllic countryside scenery and marshes, the area of Kranji makes a great sightseeing spot for those who seek a greater reconnection with nature as they ride along trails that encompass farms, plantations, rivers and wetlands.

Overall, these six popular routes altogether combined have made up a whopping 125,000km distance raced by runners and cyclists on our D3VR app across the Lion City! Furthermore, the number will only go on from there as we have ongoing virtual races with a very active user base.

Yes, the SG 10 Hour Cycling event remains ongoing, which means it is time to stop your bicycle from further dust collecting! This event challenges cyclists to two types of races. The first being a 150km within 10 hours round-island race, and the second is a competition on the furthest cumulative distance tracked within 10 hours race that is open to anywhere you like. Check out our on-going events here.

To participate, simply download the D3VR app on your phone via Google Play or App Store for registration and turn it into a distance tracker for automated recording of the distance raced. With our D3VR app, you will also be the first to know when there are new races from us happening here in Singapore!

Be sure to stay safe as you race to relive the thrills and spills with D3VR’s virtual racing event that offers a unique and safe experience in these turbulent times! For more information, get in touch with us now!




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